The Suffolk Chronicle
22 September 1810
Whereas I Elizabeth Garner, wife of Newton Garner, of Boxford, in the county of Suffolk, did glean Barley in a field belonging to Mr. William Green, of Boxford, without his leave, and behaved very insolently to him, and for which he has threatened to prosecute me; but in consideration of my poverty and ignorance of the law, has waved the prosecution. I do hereby thank Mr. Green for his lenity, and promise never to offend again in the same manner.
Witness my mark X
Elizabeth Garner
The Suffolk Chronicle
12 May 1810
Yesterday morning at 10 c'clock, an alarming fire broke out at the malt-kiln of Mr. Simon Boggis, of Boxford, but with timely assistance it was happily got under.
The Suffolk Chronicle
09 March 1810
Last Saturday morning, about 3 o'clock, as Mr. Howe, draper and tailor, was returning from Stoke to Boxford, near the Green Lane, Polsted, a man rushed from the hedge, and attempted to seize the bridle of his horse; but failing in the attempt, (by the motion of the spirited animal,) he presented a gun, which fortunately flashed in the pan, and Mr. H. escaped without injury.