Suffolk & Essex Free Press
28 January 1891

Accident at Boxford - On Thursday Chas. Carpenter, warehouseman to Mr. Alfred Gardner, grocer and draper, Boxford, while out delivering goods unfortunately slipped, and falling on to a box broke one of his ribs. He is being attended by Dr. Thompson and is getting on, so we hope to soon see him out again.

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Suffolk & Essex Free Press
28 January 1891

There was a capital meet of that famous pack, the Essex and Suffolk Foxhounds at Boxford, on Monday, and what was more important still for all true fox hunters an abundance of foxes of the right sort, affording ample sport. A brace were brought down during the first half-hour, and at Edwardstone a brace - if not a leash - were afoot soon after the hounds were in covert. One of these afforded a run, "via" Townsend Wood, between Great and Little Waldingfield, to Crocker's Grove at Lavenham. After a two hours' run he saved his brush. The going was very heavy, and the banks extremely slippery; nevertheless, everybody enjoyed the day, and all voted it the best of the season. "Ah," says an old sportsman, "We always get a good run from Boxford."

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Suffolk & Essex Free Press
28 January 1891

The last skating carnival at Boxford proving such a great success the promoters, Messrs. S. Scarfe, J. Burton and F. Dawson, wishful to gain further laurels, and fearing the ice was going, and that they might not have another chance, in all haste sent out notices on Thursday morning that another carnival would take place that night, the proceeds as before to be given to the relief fund for the unemployed. This kind and charitable object as before was heartily responded to by the inhabitants and made the ladies and gentlemen skaters very busy getting their costumes ready. Perhaps it would be interesting to know how it was done. To our thinking a number of the old relics that, perhaps, had not seen daylight for many a day as well as some new ones, must have been brought into requisition.

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