Free Press & Post
22 July 1939
St. Mary's Church, Boxford, was the scene of a pretty wedding on Saturday, when Mr. Edwin Evan Rice, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Rice, of Evans Heath Polstead, was married to Miss Gladys Florence Smith, daughter of Mr. and Mrs Marshall Smith of Stone Street, Boxford. Given away by her father, the bride was attired in a gown of embossed satin with headdress of orange blossom. She carried a bouquet of lilies and fern. Her three sisters, the Misses Joan, Peggy and Barbara Smith, were bridesmaids. They wore blue muslin dresses with pink sashes and blue satin shoes. Their head dresses and bouquets were of pink roses and each wore a blue necklace, a gift from the bridegroom. Mr Alan Rice accompanied his brother as best man. The ceremony performed by the Rev. T. Rice (Rector), included the hymns, "Lead us, Heavenly Father, lead us," and "Gracious Spirit Holy Ghost," and the organist (Mr. Deeks) rendered Mendelssohn's Wedding March. A reception was held at the White Hart, and later Mr. and Mrs. Rice left for a touring honeymoon on the South Coast. For traveling the bride chose a navy edge-to-edge coat with accessories to match. The happy couple were the recipients of numerous gifts.