The Box River News was started in August 2000 following the establishment of the Box River Benefice consisting of Boxford, Edwardstone, Groton, Little Waldingfield and Newton Green. The newsletter is delivered free to all households within the Benefice.
Eddie Kench lovingly published the BRN since the first issue in August 2000, making this year its 25th year! Sadly Eddie passed away in early 2021 from Covid-19 and has now been succeeded as editor by Trudi Wild, whom he had been coaching to take over from him for a number of years prior.
To date, approximately 529,200 copies of the BRN have been printed!
The Box River News is self-supported by local advertising and is published at no cost to the Benefice itself.
Content and advertising submissions for publication are gladly received.
The deadline is usually the 15th of each month for inclusion in the next issue.
All editions available digitally are provided here for posterity and research. Please contact us for more information.
Box River News Update
Boxford Gardening Society Supper,
Community Public Access Defibrillator,
The Tudor Housing Revolution,
Edwardstone Winter Warmer,
Diva’s Day Sell Out,
Who Wants a Power of Attorney?
Boxford Community Council,
Joanne’s Housekeeping Services,
We Will Remember Them.
Highgrove The Boxford Trip
Speaking Up For Boxford,
Groton’s Harvest Supper,
Edwardstone Harvest Festival,
Edwardstone Millennium Green,
The Med Comes to Boxford,
Little Waldingfield Historical Society,
Palliative Care, Contemporary East Anglian Artists,
Edwardstone Cricket Club,
Thrilling Finish at Stoke.
A Message From 3PR President Vic Rice
It’s A Dogs Life!
US Visitors in the Benefice,
The October Letter from Rev Judith,
An Artist at Milden Fete,
Divas’ Day,
Danny Grimwood,
Little Waldingfield Parish Room,
Milden Cricket Club V Stowupland,
Golf Fairytale Comes True.
The Wrong Stone Street!
World War 1 Commemoration,
BCC Senior Citizens’ Mystery Evening,
A Bucket of Spuds,
Little Waldingfield History Society at Gestingthorpe,
LWHS Interviewee Tea Party,
LWHS Coffee Morning,
Boxford School News,
FOBS School Fete,
£771 Raised at SSFA Tea Party,
The Over 60s Garden Party,
News From MLSPA Boxford,
Fleece Walled Garden and Courtyard Makeover,
A Cause for Celebration,
Milden V Monks Eleigh Local Derby,
Boxford Cubs are Champions, Stoke Ladies in Winning Form.
Colchester Military Wives Choir at Boxford St. Mary’s
History Society Member Outing to Little Hall,
A Record Year for Boxford Gardens,
All the Fun of the Fair,
Duets, Another Boxford Drama Group Triumph,
White Hart Bungee Jump,
Boxford School News,
Ladies European Tour at Stoke,
Milden Singers Concert,
Four Stars for Stoke,
A Letter from the Queen,
Edwardstone Flower Festival,
The Kingfisher Quartet,
Boxford Gardening Societies Annual Trip,
An Appeal from 3PR, Housing for Local People,
England Legend Comes to Boxford.
Boxford's Trio Conquer the Millennium Dome
Affordable Housing for Boxford,
Time Flyers - A Talk by Jo Caruth,
Boxford Folk and Heritage, Boxford Community Council,
Boxford School News, Nanook Fashion Boutique for Women,
May Round Up, An Actors Life for Me,
John Constable Trips Inaugurated, Tornado Hits Boxford, Edwardstone Cricket Club
Groton Church on TV
Images of Groton: Then and Now,
An English Village,
486th Bombardment Group,
More Awards for 3PR,
Jimmy’s Hair Cut,
School of Performing Arts Opens,
Boxford School News,
Largest Junior Golf Event,
Fundancing’s Wiggle-??A-??Thon 2013,
The Community Engagement Programme,
Anger Fen and Spouse’s Vale,
Stroke’s Progress, Ticking the Box, Will Andy Stage a Platter-Plus?
Support Your Local Businesses
3PR Retirement Presentations,
Who Killed the Vicar?
Little Picking and Tree Planting in Little Waldingfield,
The Boxford Jazz Band,
Fantastic Fleece Folk - Another Night to Remember,
Unique Music Course Returns to Boxford,
Two Well Deserved Awards,
Woodhead Calls Time, Give a Dog a Home!
White-Out Greets Orange Golfers.
St Mary’s Makeover Begins
President Clark,
Pancake Day at Mary’s House,
More Folk at the Fleece,
LWHS Craft Event - 16th January,
Boxford Heritage Day,
Fun and Games Night 2013,
Little Waldingfield into the Future,
Rev. Archibald Brian Bird,
Boxford School News,
Newton Golfers Raise their game for Children,
Newton Seniors Support Arthritis Care, Suffolk Poachers and Smugglers.
A Very Merry Christmas and a Happy and Healthy New Year to You All
The Run Up to Christmas,
Heritage Lottery Fund Success,
Ash Die Back Disease, The Over 60’s Club,
Bombs, Beams and Boffins,
The BDG are off the Hook - What a Panto!!!
An Olympic Experience - Part Three,
The History of Punch and Judy,
Boxford School News,
Annual Pumpkin Competition, Birth of the Christmas Card.