Boxford Man Killed in Greece

Suffolk & Essex Free Press
25 January 1945

News has been received by Mrs. E. Speller of Colchester, that her son, Driver Ronald J Tricker, of the R.A.S.C. Central Mediterranean Forces, has been killed in action in Greece. Driver Tricker, who was 23 years of age was grandson of the late Mr. Walter Tricker of Brook Hall, Boxford, and spent his boyhood in that village. Prior to enlistment at 19 he was in employment at Cant's Rose Gardens, Colchester.
Attached to an Armoured Brigade, he saw active service in the Middle East, served in Sicily and later in Italy. At the time of his death on December 13th last he was defending a Strong Point in the neighbourhood of Athens and in expressing their sympathy with the bereaved mother, both the Officer Commanding at the unit and his Company Commander referred in glowing terms to his courage and devotion to duty. Much sympathy will be extended to his mother and other near relatives from all his friends in Boxford.